Mid-year Check-in
This one’s short and sweet! 2023 is halfway over, and it’s a great time to take a pause and assess how your year is going. Whether you’re a service provider, retail owner, or an almost entrepreneur, you likely set some goals at the beginning of the year. Some of which you’ve kept your eyes on and some you may have let slip. There’s benefit to both sides of that coin, as long as it’s all intentional and not a byproduct of busyness and distraction.
Take a few minutes with no phone or open email tab, and reflect on these 5 questions to ask yourself mid-way through the year:
1. What goals did I set at the beginning of the year, and what has my progress on each of them looked like so far?
2. For goals that aren't going well, why? Have my circumstances and motivations changed? Do I need to pivot the goal, or pivot my strategy to reach the goal? (Either answer is completely valid! You just have to be honest to make progress.)
3. What areas of my business, or life, did I not address in January that I should bring into focus for the second half of the year?
4. Who can I connect with to get new input, energy, and knowledge from to better myself and my brand in the second half of the year? Reach out to them right now and set time to connect! Hearing information from the same sources over and over can keep us from growth. An injection of insight from voices who look and live differently than you can bring a major refresh.
5. What can I celebrate about the first half of the year? We're halfway through, and you've done big things!
Any major insights realized in this exercise? I’d love to hear! Come on over to Instagram and let me know via a comment or DM!